Once upon a time

... in a land of pure imagination, there lived, a Queen.

Whether this Queen presided over a magical kingdom or whether she possessed an ordinary sort of majesty is immaterial.

In the eyes of those who loved her, she was a queen because she was beautiful.

About This Game

In Compersion everyone at the table embodies a Suitor of the Queen, a larger than life figure who has enthralled you all. As your story begins, the Queen has declared her love for you. Will you allow jealousy to thwart that love? Or will you join together as members of a growing family?

Each time you play you'll discover a new world rife for romance and reflection. Enter into a conversation with your fellow players designed to test your characters' compassion and resilience in this story game for 2-6 players.

Compersion Is ...

  • Quick and easy to play. Rules-light with play times of about 1 hour.

  • Descended from For the Queen, by Alex Roberts.

  • A game inspired by my own experiences with polyamory.

  • Currently in playtest.

  • A narrative-first storytelling experience in which the story, and your characters, emerge in play.

Looking to the Future

I have plans to develop Compersion beyond a simple slide-based game. Follow my account for updates and look forward to the following.

  • A card-based version featuring beautiful tarot-sized cards.

  • Art from hand-picked artists depicting a variety of 'Queens' of all shapes, sizes, orientations, and genres.

  • Refinement of the rules, the cards, and the addition of features unique to Compersion.

Storysynth Playtest

Click through to play a beta version of the game on Storysynth


1. I've clicked the download link but nothing happens. What gives?
A: Most likely its an issue with a popup blocker. Try enabling popups on your browser.

2. I'm not polyamorous myself. Can I play this game?
A: Absolutely! In fact I hope this game can demonstrate some of the unique joys and challenges of this particular relationship style.

3. I'm not familiar with some of the terms used in this game. Where can I learn more?
A: Eventually I'll have a card or pamphlet with some helpful definitions but for now, you can check out some common terms used by polyamorous folks

4. This card doesn't feel like it fits in my story.
A: Remember you can always X a card to remove it from the game. You can do this for any reason. Use the X card liberally to tailor the content and narrative. If you like the prompt but not the implications of genre and tone, remember that the cards can be interpreted metaphorically, too.

5. This isn't my experience with polyamory!
A: The content of this particular game likely won't appeal to everyone practicing polyamory, ENM , or relationship anarchy. I have my own particular experiences and ideals when it comes to polyamory and they may not align with yours. That's ok. I hope you'll have fun with this game and that you enjoy seeing some version of your experience reflected in the content.


Game Info

Format: Card Game, Web App
Genre: Narrative Fantasy
Players: 2+
Ages: 13+

Players of Compersion will work together to develop the shared world and their own version of the Queen, a larger than life individual who stands at the center of your polycule.

Players take turns answering and passing prompts that will challenge players and their characters.


Unofficial Compersion Playlist


External Containment Bureau: A Game of Supernatural Mystery


Cthulhu Deep Green: A Game of Conspiracy Horror